Sheep Tips: Use one large marshmallow for the body and 5 pieces of licorice that each measure about ½ inch long. Use a buttered knife to poke openings in the marshmallow for the legs. Hold each hole open with the knife while you push the piece of licorice in. Do the same for the head.
Horse or Donkey Tips: Make the horse on wax paper so it will be easier to move when you are ready. Use a sturdy toothpick for the neck and head connection. Follow the picture directions to make the horse. It helps if the tootsie rolls are at room temperature when pushing the toothpick through. When finished, let the frosting dry or set before trying to move the horse.

Baby Jesus in Manger Tips: Use one square of a graham cracker or a piece of gingerbread cut to measure 2 and ½ inches square. Cut the square into 4 smaller squares. Make sure you put a generous amount of frosting down the center of one square as shown because lots of frosting will help the other 2 squares to stay in their V shaped positions. To make the baby head, cut off the tip of an orange gumdrop and stick it to the top of the small marshmallow.
Nativity Figure Tips: When you cut a small gumdrop in half for the arms, the inside will be sticky enough for them to stick to the body. After you finish assembling the person, use frosting to make hair and beards.
Shepherd Tips: To make a head covering for shepherds, cut a 1 and ½ inch square piece of fruit roll-up. Cut one of the corners off, this will be the edge that surrounds the face of the shepherd. Put some dots of frosting on the head at the top, both sides and on the back. Put the fruit roll-up piece on immediately. Hold in place for a few minutes to secure. You may add dots of frosting on the arms to tack down the head covering there. Cut 1 inch off the bottom of the candy cane.
Stable Tips: Lay wax paper on a cookie sheet or display platter. Follow the first three pictures to assemble the stable. Use plenty of frosting for glue. Let the left and right walls lean against the corners of the back piece for added support. Let the frosting set or dry. Lastly, take two whole graham crackers and stand them up against the back of the stable. Add some frosting as needed to help attach them to the back. Scatter coconut for straw.

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