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How to Bless Someone

Read some great ideas from our visitors for blessing others.

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Family Fun ~ How to Bless Someone

Blessing Someone: Ideas & Stories

These submissions are posted like they are received as much as possible however, we do make corrections to grammer and such for the ease of reading and we may also edit out some text for space.

Gloria T. of MO
There are so many ways you can bless someone. A simple call just to say, "I love you" and "I care", a bowl of homemade chicken noodle soup. Crochet around a pretty t-towel & place it in a basket, fill it with warm cookies or fresh baked bread. Simple to set with someone ill or having a bad day...and letting them share, never leave without a hug & "I love you"...So many ways that don't cost much can mean the world to others, including myself.

Pamela P. of OR
Since my mother-in-law has terrible arthritis in her hands, I order a gazillion bulbs and when I replant my garden, I go over and do hers.

I think I am more of a blessing during the winter months. I make lots of homemade soup and freeze small and large portions. I give them to my mother-in-law and her sister, and anyone who needs something good and hot for lunch/dinner.

*Patricia S. of MS
Pay It Forward. You can hold car washes, bake sales, or just collect from sources...items for the needy. In our case we collect and help out the elders in a 80 unit apt. setting. Some can't shop so we do it for them. Some can't clean and we do it for them. Some need financial help so we hold fundraisers to help them. We are their angels for Christmas and we hold luncheons in the community room on holidays. Anyone can do this. You can even get your local church involved. You would not believe the way some have to live with no help. We try to make a difference at NO Charge.

Paula S. of CO
The greatest blessing I can remember was when my son was about 1 1/2 yrs old. My father was in very poor health and had never seen his only Grandson. I was in New York and my parents were in Montana. My Father's greatest wish was to see him. Money was the obstacle to get there. Loretta, a case manager in New York decided … we would get to Montana. She was somehow able (1st blessing) to get Travelers Aide to pay for a round trip bus ticket. Out of her own pocket, Loretta gave me $100 for food etc..(She was the BIG blessing for me). I called my Mother and told her we were coming. We kept it a secret from my Father. She picked us up at the bus station and my Father was so overwhelmed when we came in the house it was the most emotional event I have had. He had a month to spend with his grandson; it brought him so much joy. It also happened to be Christmas, so it was very wonderful. It was such a miraculous trip and I am so glad it was possible. My father passed away the next spring, but he had gotten to have his wish and see his only grandson. I guess there are several blessing in this event.

Denise D. of MI
Although almost everyone we know owns a computer I still believe in the healing power of a nice snail mail card and/or letter. Sometimes I will write a poem for that special someone to lift their spirits. I try to touch at least one person per day with a blessing and I have found that I am the one that receives the greatest blessing out of thinking of others!

Lauralee H. of CO
Make a homemade Apron. Use it to wrap up some food items, e.g. boxed frozen family size entree. That way there is a gift, for not only a girlfriend who maybe has been laid off, but also a meal to help feed her family of whom she is concerned about.

Rhonda S. of IL
A few years ago, a friend gave me a plaque that is hanging on my door, "God blesses us every day. It's up to us to notice.” This past Christmas, another friend gave me a perpetual calendar. I decided instead of using it for my regular 2009 calendar or a birthday, anniversary, etc. reminder, I'd use it for my Blessings List. That way I can "notice" each day's blessing. If someone is included in my "daily blessing" I send them a note to let them know. That way we both can enjoy the blessing. It's been fun looking for a blessing each day. It's been fun reading back over the days and be reminded of the good things that happen each day. I'm having a blessing filled year-literally! I've shared this idea with many others and they are now doing this too. Each one who has chosen to take part in listing their blessings realize how much they are being blessed. The more each of us take notice of our blessings, we in turn will be blessings to others!

Cindy L. of WV
Leave a box or basket of nonperishable foods on porch or doorstep of someone down on their luck.

Dina and Kimberly V. of FL
My daughter Kim started a ministry at our church called the Prayer Shawl ministry. This ministry makes knitted shawls and lap robes for anyone who is ill. You do not need to be a member of our church to receive a shawl or lap robe. Each member of the ministry prays for who ever will receive the item....We did receive a few small donations so that people on fixed incomes could purchase yarn. People also donate knitting needles and yarn to the ministry.

Diane P. of IA
A sad day for single or divorced friends is Valentine's Day...so this year I bought some cards and wrote special poems to several such folks in my life....

Kay M. of TN
I had a dear friend whose husband was injured critically in a fall. Once home she had to wait on him hand and foot for months. I would go by once a week and get her dirty laundry, take it home, wash, dry and fold it and return it to her. It was something that gave her one less thing to do and helped her see that her family of 4 had clean laundry every week.

Margaret L. of NM
People who "are a blessing" seem to know how you're feeling without being told. I care for my 80-year-old husband who has several medical problems. Once a biker and a very big and strong man, he is now a "little" old man who walks all bent over, nothing like the man I married. To say it has been difficult is an understatement. But I have a neighbor who frequently lightens my day. She pops in when I don't expect it, or calls to just say "hi" or to ask a favor. (Even when she asks a favor, it seems to bless me.) She once took me to lunch. We checked on my husband and then went to all the thrift shops in town! It was great fun and a blessing that I still recall.

Sharon C. of PA
A way to be a blessing to anyone, especially an older person is just be a friend. That is number one, secondly being a helper, not all the time, but if the grass needs mowed, offer to do it by saying, "I really need to get more exercise, do you mind if I mow your yard today?"...just use your imagination...be there for them.

Sharon L of MI
Two years ago, I had just found out that I had lung cancer. One of my very best friends was a retired nurse. Talk about being a blessing, she has been through the past two years from the initial Dr. appointment when it was first suspected, to the surgery, chemo and radiation. I don't know what I would have done without her. She still goes with me for my check up. She has been a support person, who was able to answer all the questions I or my husband and family had. I can't say that I am a blessing but she sure was a blessing to me. I have had a clean bill of health for the past year and a half, and I am sure she had a great deal to do with it. Her just being there for me made all difference in the world.

Audrey L. of IN
I am a nursing assistant and I do home healthcare. I try very hard to go the extra mile for my clients. Sometimes I make little things such as a crocheted kitchen towel or a neck pillow for my clients just to give them a little something extra for them or their home. I have even gone as far to get a Christmas tree and some ornaments at garage sales for a few of them. I enjoy doing this because it makes me feel like my job is a kind of calling from God and not just a job.

Kelly T. of MO
I volunteer for the YMCA's partner campaign. This campaign provides financial assistance to families who cannot afford the YMCA. I have been working on the partner campaign for over 10 years and I know the difference it makes in the lives of these families.

Nyla T. of SD
Both my husband and I had come down with very bad cases of bronchitis. My sweet neighbor made a big kettle of homemade chicken noodle soup and brought it to us. That was the best soup I have ever tasted. In exchange, next time she needs anything we will be there with smiles and helping hands.

Danielle G. of NY
Although winter is winding down, my favorite way to be a blessing to others is to scrape the ice and snow from their cars in the early morning. It only takes a few minutes, but can make all the difference to someone who is running late or has 4 kids to buckle in to the car. The best part is you can do it anonymously.

Sara G. of ID
When I see someone that is buying something that I have a coupon for, I give it to them. I also help friends and family with items that I have a lot of =)

Suzanne S. of VA
Send a card to a friend and tell them you are thinking about them and praying for them.

Angela J. of CA
Make a mental note when someone you care about expresses a wish or desire and keep a file. Whether it is a book or movie, or something they've been looking for to add to a collection, you might manage to get it for them.

Debby K. of ON
I like to visit senior citizens and bring my son along to brighten up their day. He is pretty funny and makes them laugh a lot.

Rosanne M. of IL
I've had cancer three times. The first time my son's 17 year old girlfriend and her friend came over and cleaned my house and did laundry and gave me one of the most beautiful cards I've ever received. When I got it back the third time her mom came over (his girlfriend is now my daughter in law)and stayed with me all day cooking me breakfast in bed, doing laundry, and having the pastor come to see me. I'm ok now thanks to them and most of all our Lord who sent these angels.

Cindy M. of AZ
Share what you have. I love to shop and start the day after Christmas for the next year. I buy bargains throughout the year and share with the local food bank, Senior citizens, and supporting the troops overseas. I share free samples I get, travel items from hotels when come home, etc.

Pat L. of NC
Our co-op is making church dolls or handkerchief type dolls for local hospital Pediatrics wards. The ideal came after my 13 month old granddaughter was hospitalized for a few days. She needed something soft to hold and play with. We made her one of these dolls out of a napkin until we could get something else. She still has the make-do doll. Our hope is that these dolls will be a small blessing to these families when their little ones are sick...letting them know there are folks out there that care about them.

Any time I am out and about and see a person in military uniform or a veteran wearing a hat or jacket designating them as such, I always stop and thank them for their service to our country. A few years ago, I saw a couple of men in uniform while shopping in a larger city. I went up to them and asked if I could speak with them and then thanked them. One of the men, a Capt., asked me if I knew why he did what he did. I said no sir, not being sure of what was about to be said. He said words that I will never forget..."Ma'am, I do it for you." I said Thank you again...trying to hold back the tears. I was trying to bless someone by showing my appreciation...but that day, I was truly blessed.

Linda B. of CO
I created "business cards" on my computer that have a clip art smiley face and text that says: TAG! You're It! Someone has tagged you with a Voluntary Act of Kindness. Do something nice for someone else. Leave this card behind, and keep the game of Kindness Tag going". The idea is to do something nice for someone and leave a card with them. They will hopefully do something nice for someone else and leave the card with that person. In that way many people are blessed by your one "act of kindness". I keep some of the cards in my car, and in my purse. It is surprising how often opportunities to help someone arise when you are least expecting them.

Ellen L. of CO
Read between the lines when people tell you they are doing fine and get to the root of what might help them. For instance, if you know they are struggling with food, but say they are fine, just make them a casserole or buy a bag of food any way. They will be so grateful that you thought of them without them having to ask.

Betty W. of GA
I get a scrapbook. I add pictures of the person or things that they like. I then write a coupon for things that they could use. One is a free car wash and cleaning, one is a house cleaning and whatever the person could use . This is a memory book and they can get help with chores around the house.

Joice S. of MS
I think it would be so nice to take turns helping each other at least once a week. LIKE: Keep your friend, neighbor, sister, etc. children for 8 hours so the mom can get her own things done…each week, a different person helps the other. Keep the chain going and it will uplift so many women that just feel stuck. I know. I have been there done that. My kids went everywhere with me. I had no sitter and could not afford one. You can get you mom, sister, friend, or neighbor but BE SURE TO KNOW THEM WELL before you leave your jewel's with them.

Darla A. of MS
I make cards for a lady in a nursing home so she can share with others. I put the stamps on too so all she has to do is write on them. I also send some blank cards to a navy man on a ship and others overseas so they could write what they wanted to. Small blessings help others to be a blessing too so in a way, your small blessing to someone keeps going. It is just a real blessing to give no matter how small the blessing is.

Rachel R. of MS
My husband was in Afghanistan when our daughter was born. I was feeling so lonely and afraid as it was my first baby and my parents were thousands of miles away. The day we came home, a neighbor opened my door. They had cleaned my home, made dinners they froze and on a bulletin board were dozens of tissue angels they had made. Each one had their name and said which job they would do for a month for me. I broke down in tears but they even had that covered as they produced boxes of tissues they had stocked up on. Those gestures will forever live in my heart and soul.

Jennifer W. of KY
When I have a friend that is traveling I will give them a letter to mail while they are at their destination. The letter is made out to another friend who has kids and has a tough time making ends meat. They also do not know that the other friend is traveling. In the envelope, I put $10-20 bucks with a letter that simply states; "I know times are tough here is some money." Of course, it is anonymous.

Gail B. of DE
My father has been a recovering alcoholic for the last five years. It's been a hard and many times painful journey for him. I realized that part of his problem was that his friends weren't wanting to change their lifestyles so he had to change his. To help him I've been inviting him on every family outing, and special occasion my husband and I have. You wouldn't believe how much it has helped him! He's had the opportunity to succeed in his struggles with alcohol and has also found some new hobbies he loves greatly.

Michelle C. of VA
In my time of dark despair financially and health wise, I have been blessed by my friend Mary who has come to my house every Tuesday evening for the past three weeks and helped me purge my "stuff" and "organize" my belongings. I was so over whelmed and did not know where to begin or even what to get rid of. She came and made my house a home again. This is a true blessing because I can lift my head up and truly feel human again. I have been praying for someone to help me. Along came Mary, who moved from Washington back to Virginia Beach where she just finished organizing and painting her new home and then came over to give her evenings to help me. Lord, I am so thankful for this blessing and can now begin to move on to passing blessings to others, and not feel like I should be taking caring of my own junk first. Thank you Lord for this blessing of having somewhere to share the true meaning of friendship.

Thank you to everyone who entered their "blessings"!
There were so many great ideas and stories.

The winner of this contest is marked with a *

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